INQ28: On the Road Again…

Yet more INQ28 this week — but with a dash of Necromunda for a change: As some of you might remember, my little gang of malcontents, mutants and pit slaves codenamed “The Road Crew” should really work well in both settings. And after all, there were...


Here's another Clan Escher painted in oils!  Once again, a link to the original live session: that I have the new set of Mig Ammo OilBrushers, I...

Li’l Red

Here's another example of a Necromunda Clan Escher figure painted mostly with oil paints,  As usual, I did some finishing details with acrylics once that was dried.  This was especially the case where I needed to establish some glowing parts on the figures.I...


Earlier this year, I did an experiment painting a unit of Clan Escher on a facebook live session to show how you can try to utilize that extended drying time to your advantage.The technique has developed a lot since then, with new colors added, and even new jars to...

INQ28: Worker #9

Yet another INQ28-related project this week — but one that could easily do double duty for games of Necromunda as well: It’s killer robot time! Back when the Kastelan Robots were first released, I bought them pretty much right away, because I was...