Detour into Necromunda

I mentioned in my last post that I wanted to do some Necromunda side-projects, so I figured I'd tell you a bit about those.I really need a little break from painting endless power armour, so I sat down and got a bit of painting done on my Slaaneshi cultists. The rules...

The Gun

It was certainly a brand new experience painting Games Workshop figures in oil paints!  Until then, I had used them mostly on larger scale resin figures, or historical vehicles and minis.Those were primarily earth tones, muted browns and greens, and so on......

A little diversity…

I've made a decent amount of progress over the last couple of days, but I'm afraid you'll have to wait a little while longer before I post it up. I've got a new phone arriving with a much better camera, so i'm waiting until that arrives before I snap some photos of...

Slaaneshi Side Project

In my last post I was feeling pretty positive about my painting points. I should have known it wouldn't last. I went down to my local gaming shop for my 30k campaign game on Monday night, not intending to buy any models. I picked up White Dwarf while I was there and...

Digital Projects & MathHammer 8th Edition Update – 40K Blog

It’s been some time since my last update to MathHammer. Not since January. Oppps. But I have some updates to list today and I’ll share my vision for MathHammer and my other digital projects. Distinct lack of hobby posts due to moving house – sorry...