Warhammer Fantasy Dark Elf Rumours

The guys of 40K Radio have proven to be a major source of early information for the new Space Marines releases. Now they are offering up information about the next release, allegedly for October 2013 (does that contradict the “Mystery Box Rumours“?)....

10 Leaked Pictures for the new High Elves!

Wow. What a day! Two high-quality pictures from the new Warhammer Fantasy Battle Army Book for High Elves were leaked through a GW-store Facebook page some time ago. Now, more “conventional” White Dwarf scans have appeared on Warseer. Some really...

Leaked Preview Pictures For Warhammer High Elves

Admittedly, these pictures for the (presumably) soon-to-arrive High Elves for Warhammer Fantasy have been around for a day or two. Being out searching Easter Eggs, I must have missed them. Still, I thought I give them a little blog-post to shine, as they are nice,...

5 Close-Up Pics of the New Warhammer Chaos Daemons

The floodgates are open and scans from the White Dwarf are everywhere. There are far, far too many pictures to show them all. Warseer is as good as place as any to get the full treatment. Meanwhile, here are a few select close-ups of three Heralds and two of the...