Goodbye 2023, hello 2024

Happy New Year to you all!Im a little later than usual with my end of year hobby review post, but at least I'm here now. Welcome to my annual hobby ramble! I actually had a really good hobby year in 2023. I joined a new gaming group at the start of the year, so...

2021 Review

As 2021 draws to a close and we go hurtling into 2022 with frightening speed, its time for my usual look back at my hobby year and forward at the year ahead. It's always nice to do these kinds of posts as it gives me a chance to see how far I've come in the last 12...

Hitting the ground running in 2021

Happy New Year! I was going to write a really long end of year review post for 2020, but quite frankly last year is one which noone wants to look back on, much less relive in any detail. Instead I'm going to hit the ground running on the new year and hope things...

2019 into 2020: a slightly late New Year post.

 Happy New Year to everyone!I've been away from blogging for a few months, mostly because of lack of reliable internet. It's been really frustrating, but I'm back now though and I figured I'd do a quick year review post and talk about my plans for 2020. I was...

2019 into 2020: a slightly late New Year post.

 Happy New Year to everyone!I've been away from blogging for a few months, mostly because of lack of reliable internet. It's been really frustrating, but I'm back now though and I figured I'd do a quick year review post and talk about my plans for 2020. I was...