Battle Report – Ents Vs Bolg and Wargs

Afternoon #WarhammerCommunity I was playing MESBG a while ago. We had a run of playing Star Wars Legion, I mean I've rolled some dice and had a lot of fun but it's mostly everyone else who're playing for real. So it was suggested we nip back to Middle Earth. After a...

The Night’s Watch – Search for the First Wulfen

The Fenrisians were my personal Civil War project for the year, started right after the Horus Heresy No Retreat VI. The army is a bit of an antithesis in a way, as I've felt many interpretations (including some of the official ones) often kind of miss the point of the...

World Eaters Tartaros Terminator with Lightning Claws

Another World Eater today, to add to the growing terminator squad. This one is decked out in twin lightning claws which in game go well with the armour type to try to get that sweep in. The painting follows the standard pattern that I've established for this...

Celestial Lions Chaplain (Part 3)

 All ready to use his beat-a-heretic stick. Considerable  progress has been made since the last post.  In fact, I finished the model! Retributer Armor was washed with Reikland Flesh Wash then highlighted with Stormhost Silver. The exception to...