Necron Air Force so far…

Just a quick one to post as promised a shot of the growing Necron Air wing so far. three Night Scythes and a Doom Scythe. Maybe Father Crimbo will be good to me and get a FW Necron Night Shroud Bomber...I think they look pretty darn awesome ;)

Necron Night Scythe #3

Here is another Necron Night Scythe for my ever growing ever-living Necron Army. Again, I have painted it Necron Abysss Blue and Metallics to match the other two, however I have added a few other blue plates, maybe this automaton is a veteran pilot?The front view...
Necron Night Scythe #2

Necron Night Scythe #2

Howdy readers, here is my latest offering, another Night Scythe for my growing Necron force.  I have used the same colours as before, a nice Necron Abyss blue with reddish Gauss energy and my oily looking metals with Platemetal Army Painter spray washed with Nuln...

Necron Flyers

Apparently I planned to post these pictures already in January, as they are tagged with 20140122… Anyway, here are some detail shots of my Necron flyers :)

Necrons – Doom Scythe / Night Scythe Flyer

So I hinted with my last Necron post about the finalised colour scheme and how I am still using the Blue (Necron Abyss) colour carapace and now a new red for gauss energy.  Here is my latest offering dear readers, a Necron Night Scythe / Doom Scythe, shown above...