Spinning a Yarn

 Last night I was all over the place, working on the Night Spinner a bit and also working on the Jetbike riders. I need a little more blending on the turret but I'm almost done the blues. I'll have to add some of the gunmetal to the engines and other bits then it...

Spin me round…

Some more work on the Night Spinner, it's base and all the magnets that hold it together. This year and the last month particularly have been rough. I can't seem to stay healthy and it's not just colds it's been weird and some serious stuff. Awesome..   and every...

Spinning webs..

 Last night I actually got some stuff done. I have been on the mend for what seems like forever and though I'm still a bit busted up I need to get stuff done. Nova is fast approaching and I still have a ton to get done. I already had the new Nightspinner top...

Corsair Night Spinners

Hello to one and all. Goodness, Corsair posts are like buses aren't they, you wait for ages and then three show up at once. Today a pair of genuinly horrifying weapons, the Eldar Night Spinners: I remember when they first invented these horrible things back in the old...

Eldar Codex Review: Heavy Support Part 2

FalconThe Falcon is, in fluff at least, the Eldar main battle tank and the most common vehicle on the battlefield. It certainly was in previous editions, when a Falcon with holofields was absurdly difficult to kill. Unfortunately, the Falcon has lost its place in this...