Living Tomb Formation – Painting the Metalwork

Nick speaking,Just a quick update on my progress of painting the Necron Living Tomb Formation models. I have completed the metalwork now, going in with a large soft brush and dry brushing one coat of Iron Breaker and one coat of Lead Belcher. I know there are some...

Next Painting Project: Necron Living Tomb Formation!

Nick speaking,Finally, the Long Fangs are done and it is time to get my Living Tomb Formation up and running, not the best formation in the world, but hell, it looks like a lot of fun!I already have one Monolith painted from way back, but to be honest, it isn't a very...

How to Magnetise a Necron Obelisk/Tesseract Vault

Nick speaking,You will find the full instructions on how I magnetised my Necron Tesseract Vault/Obelisk, in a video tutorial I made at the bottom of this post, but as pictures speak a thousand words, here are pictures of all the magnetised areas, so that you can have...

Magnetised Necron Obelisk/Vault Done

Nick speaking,Here is my magnetised Necron Obelisk/Vault that I got for Christmas. I have great fun making this model and I can't wait to get it painted. I have made a magnetising tutorial for anyone that is interested, which I will post up in my next post!

Blast Scape Necron Terrain Showcase

Nick speaking,Here are my Citadel Blast Scapes all finished up, one for my Cities of Death board and the rest for my Necron terrain. I really enjoyed painting and converting these, and I think the LaserCutCard Obelisk has worked really well. I even had a go with an...