Necron Army Progress So Far

Hello All, ;)  Just a quick update shot of where the Necrons lie so far, I am rather pleased how the scheme has turned out and now need to concentrate on some Immortals and a few more Annihilation Barges, maybe a Ghost Ark and a Command Barge... but I'll keep...
Necron Obelisk – Apocalypse Superheavy Skimmer

Necron Obelisk – Apocalypse Superheavy Skimmer

A huge offering today, I have finished my Necron Obelisk superheavy skimmer, a Necron beast that is designed to clear the skies of enemy fliers with it's Gravity Pulse out to 24 inches hitting all enemy fliers with a Strength 8 hit every turn, nice.Top that off with 4...
Necron Obelisk Flying Base

Necron Obelisk Flying Base

As mentioned in a previous post, one of my Christmas presents was a Necron Obelisk / Transcendent C'Tan and now the base is done for the superheavy skimmer. I also wanted to add something to the flying base as I mentioned in my StormTalon post, the flying bases are...