Color testing: Army of the Dead

Exciting times in my Lord of the Rings rebuilding process continue with the Army of the Dead!  With the first episode of the Army Painter Series 5 (which focused on basing) completed, it was time to create the "Color test" figure.This is something that I do for...

A Little NMM: Unit painting videos

The Age of Sigmar Medusae unit was a fun way to begin the Army Painter video series!  As with each set of tutorial videos, I start out with the basing.This involves more than just making a batch of bases... I try to go deeper into how to manage time and thereby...

Glow and Reflections! Unit painting videos

Creating the Unit Painting videos for the Patreon Page was definitely one of the most interesting tutorial projects that I have done.  While the typical one off painting tutorials are always fun, these new videos allow me to dive into some aspects that I really...

Hot Stuff

Anyone who knows me also knows that I have lots of fun with flame effects of all types, and Object Source Lighting as well!  This classic Reaper figure was a quick little conversion that I had made for a Salamander army.I could not resist the juxtaposition of the...

Bringing the Heat

The Mantic Salamanders offer a few interesting opportunities for some of my favorite things... painting fire, Object Source Lighting, and combining a lot of contrasting colors.It is helpful that there are a lot of sharp angled shapes in the sculpt, which means that...