12/11/13: Review: Puppets War Mankind Rippers Unit

12/11/13: Review: Puppets War Mankind Rippers Unit

Howdy folks!So I was recently approached by Nick over at Blood of Kittens about a little 40k proposition he was throwing together to combine 3rd Party suppliers and commission artists. Personally, I love the idea, and not long after, I was paired with Puppet's...
12/1/13: Finished: Alpha Legion Helbrute ‘Lernaea’

12/1/13: Finished: Alpha Legion Helbrute ‘Lernaea’

Hey guys!Happy December! Can't believe we're nearly done with 2013! Got some fun plans coming up in 2014, so stay tuned on the social medias, as well as here!Its been a strange week! Last week and early this week, my girlfriend was in town, so that's dominated most of...
Warhammer Chapel Showcase

Warhammer Chapel Showcase

Hi All,Doc here with a side shift into a small warhammer project.  Some time ago I picked up a plastic warhammer chapel off ebay on a bit of a whim.  Unfortunately it was extremely poorly put together with none of the sides lining up and the clock being...
11/5/13: Extra Life 2013; Alpha Legion and Terrain WIP

11/5/13: Extra Life 2013; Alpha Legion and Terrain WIP

Hey guys!So its finally come and gone! Extra Life 2013 was November 2nd and 3rd, and boy howdy, was it fun! Didn't get a lot of tabletop gaming in, but my thumb is still killing me from playing too much Super Smash Bros on the Wii! Not a lot of pictures, but I'll let...
10/26/13: Finished: Charity Cygnar Battlegroup

10/26/13: Finished: Charity Cygnar Battlegroup

Hey guys!So about a month ago, my good friend Magilla Gurilla came to me, looking for prizes for his charity 40k and Warmachine event. He was looking for something like a Dreadnought or some vouchers, but anything would do. Jump back to March, as the shop I manage was...