GenCon 2013: Godfrey’s Reivew

GenCon 2013: Godfrey’s Reivew

The End of the year is Nigh.  The Harbinger of summer's end and the coming of the cold, northern winter winds that year's end brings has come and gone.  Yes, it was a time of celebration for those who dwell in the deep caves of game stores and basements, and...

The FOC and Army Design

Greetings gentlereaders,How many of you remember playing against Dragowing and Loganwing in fifth edition.  I'm sure if you were the one playing those armies to win tournaments, those were satisfying armies.  For the rest of us, those armies were oppressive to...

Chaplain vs. Librarian: The Showdown

Welcome all to the first installment of a new series I shall be attending for Rites: The Showdown.  This series will take two units, usually sharing some similarity and breakdown in-depth what it is about them that shines.  And having had been made to suffer the...

40k in the Shadow of the Colossi

Hello everyone, Godfrey here with a look at what is happening to the scale of 40k.  While normally, my talk of scale is based around the point level at which we play this game, today I'm going to take a look at the scale of the miniatures being pumped out by Games...

The Fate of the Space Marine?

Greetings,I'd like to open a topic for discussion regarding the Space Marine.  It's fairly hard to play 40k, and not see the imagery or artwork of the stoic Space Marine embraced by the loving arms of conflict.  Everything from GW official to fan art depicts...