OrcOgre Hobby Update

OrcOgre Hobby Update

So I have a busy few days and weekend so haven’t done as much hobby as the past few weeks but I have managed to get a few bits and bobs done.Firstly I have finished a couple movement trays with tufts etc to match my basing and I am really happy with the results! It...
Triumph and Treachery April

Triumph and Treachery April

The other night we played a 5 player Triumph and Treachery game at the G3 club in glasgow. Seems like a great venue and we will be making a return! This was the first painted outing of the OrcOgres and I took 1200pts of Ogres (The giant ironblaster was an actual...
Arack-na-Horn Completed!!!

Arack-na-Horn Completed!!!

So last night was a late night lol! Powered through and finished my Arack-na-Horn (OrcOgre Stonehorn!) painting up Frodo and the Ogre rider very late (currently operating on 3 hours sleep and a litre of coffee….). Really happy with how this came out and hopefully will...
Incy Wincy Spider….

Incy Wincy Spider….

Hey guys just a quick work in progress update on my Aracknarock (Stonehorn) for my OrcOgre army! This thing took ages (4 hours just on highlighting/layering the teal carapace!) to paint but was still fun to do and very happy with the end result! Tonight I will finish...
The Relentless March of the OrcOgres

The Relentless March of the OrcOgres

So the relentless March of the Orc Ogre painting project continues! I have painted another 6 ogres this week and with the announcement of the Cry Havok Tournament (Details here: http://warhammer.org.uk/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=122426) on the 14th of...