by wappellious | Jun 14, 2018
Not all of the street violence in Rome is caused by rampaging Gladiators. Some of it is caused by the residents as well... like The Butcher!He is one of the character figures from Gangs of Rome, an interesting new skirmish game from Warlord Games. As you...
by wappellious | Jun 10, 2018
This was one of the earlier "oil then acrylic" pieces that I made a while back. Since this set of figures, I have done more and more of the figure with oils.While it depends on every figure (and what kind of deadlines are in effect), I do enjoy working entirely...
by wappellious | Jun 8, 2018
We near the end of the Clan Escher Necromunda gang, and one more hairdo!She was part of the squad which was painted with oils, as featured in this Facebook Live...
by wappellious | Jun 7, 2018
This is certainly one of the more unusual beasties that I have painted in the last 17 years! It is one of several creatures that were part of a kickstarter a while back. Here's a link to the...
by wappellious | Jun 1, 2018
Here are some more images from the set of figures done completely with oils. As I have discussed in previous posts, the advantages offered by oils have been very nice to work with!I already talked about those hard to reach areas, etc., but this set of images...