#HeroQuest2019: The Witch Lord

More #HeroQuest2019 today, but after blazing through the entire set of undead monsters, I felt I had earned myself a little wiggle room for a bit of fun. So what is this about? As you have already seen in a previous post of mine, I won’t simply limit myself to...

#HeroQuest2019: The Walking Dead

More #HeroQuest 2019 this week — after completing a bunch of Orcs, I turned my eyes to all of the undead creatures appearing in HeroQuest. And I still remember how I was very much in love with the undead models back when I first received the game: I had a huge...

The Stirland Piper

Greetings one and all,It has taken me longer then expected to write my next little article.  Real life is a b*tch, with plans changing and time consumed.  My priority in the hobby world is painting, followed by gaming, and in last instance blogging.  So...

Old Stuff Wednesday – October: A racey Eldar Falcon

Wow...this was a long time ago.  I stumbled across these photos the other day looking at old stuff.  This probably circa 2000 or earlier... It was absolutely my favorite model from the Eldar range, just a really cool set of lines and design. I also really...