Shadows of Brimstone – Board game review.

  Sitting at the saloon, the sheriff of the small town known as “New Dawn” kept an eye on the whisky glass on the table while holding in his right hand the old Peacemaker. He had acquired the habit of releasing the drum, rolling it with his thumb and...

Shadows of Brimstone – Resenha.

   Sentado no saloon o xerife da pequena cidade de “New Dawn” contemplava o copo de uísque sobre a mesa enquanto segurava em sua mão direita o velho Peacemaker. Ele havia adquirido o hábito de liberar o tambor e girá-lo com o polegar para então com um...

Game Plan 2013 – Part 1

Okay, before I begin, a little disclaimer: I admit to have failed my Game Plan 2012.  In fact, I failed so badly that I don’t even want to go back and look at it, critique it, or even acknowledge its existence, other than noting that it just did not pan out. ...

Going home

Christmas drives it home maybe, but there's an oddly clear inventory management in the film Falling Down. Also, look at the escalation in potential devastation done by what falls into the anti-hero's hands the further out he gets from the landscapes he understands. It...