Beers with Peps: Brews Review- Amsterdam Framboise

Framboise's scare me, I've had a few great ones in my time (like Hornbeer springs to mind), but I have also had some true howlers as well. Fingers crossed this Amsterdam Brewery Framboise is a good one. Quick bit of background for you all, Framboise mean Raspberry, so...

Beers with Peps: Brews Review- Big Rig Gold

John here. Today we are staying local today with one of Ottawa's best breweries Big Rig. This is their flagship Pale Ale and is simply called Gold. I purchased mine from the local LCBO, but it also comes in growler form, from the Iris Street location. Since writing...

Beers with Peps: Dead Elephant IPA

So first Beers with Peps article. This was one of the very first beers I tried after landing in Canada last year. Why this beer you may ask, well I was attracted to the can and the weird name. So when I saw a red elephant starring at me from the LCBO shelf, I just...