by PsychosisPC | Dec 5, 2015
Yea I definitely liked the looks of the guy above. If I was still doing more of these I would have to do more of that mail armor. More stowage.This one uses a head form Max Mini. Thought it was an appropriate head and it was well made by there skill...
by PsychosisPC | Dec 4, 2015
Yeee! Haaa! As typical there are some areas on these plastic models that always need a bit of adjustment, and that would be the seams. You really need to take some time and fill those seams areas. Yea no arm on this guy. As I said these are...
by PsychosisPC | Dec 2, 2015
That's right its the boar boyz in various incomplete stages. I was working on these just prior to my surgery. As usual, I wanted every model to be unique. The models are already pretty dynamic, but I was looking for that sort of feral Lord of the...
by PsychosisPC | Nov 30, 2015
Well yea....this guy is pretty plain. What's wrong with me? I do like the head. Ah...that's more like it. Spikey blades, glyphs, a decapitated dapper Empire head. Yea this was what I was going for in bashing 'da Humies! And then...
by PsychosisPC | Nov 29, 2015
With the demise of WHFB, my orc army bashing 'da humans is never going to see the light of day.These are a batch of my Black Orcs. I have ton of these guys modeled up and will be looking to send them to a good home at some point.The idea was to make them a bit...