Triumph and Treachery & Realm of Battleboard

Triumph and Treachery & Realm of Battleboard

Hey guys very quick delayed post (internet has been a nightmare recently!) showing off some pics of our big triumph and treachery game and my almost finished realm of battleboard! Can't wait to get it finished, not much left to do just some more flocking to smooth the...
Heavens Ogre Army List and Realm of Battle WiP

Heavens Ogre Army List and Realm of Battle WiP

Its been a while since my last hobby blog post but work has been pretty mental and there is a lot going on it my personal life! What I have been working on is my realm of battleboard and my new army list. The board is coming along well and there isn't much left still...
Throgg The OrcOgre King

Throgg The OrcOgre King

 Hey guys! I’ve had a bit of break from painting and blogging these past few weeks, mainly because work and personal life has gone a bit mental and I have had very little free time. On top of this I am really making a big push on my fitness again now I am 100%...
OrcOgre Tyrant List

OrcOgre Tyrant List

Army list Friday! So I’m trying out a bit of a different list for a while and will be using no lvl4, stubborn crown or mournfang. I’m going for a tyrant + firebelly list which will be pretty tough (the gutstar is certainly starrier!). Personally I think units of 8...
2600pt Battle Report OrcOgres vs Daemons of Chaos

2600pt Battle Report OrcOgres vs Daemons of Chaos

So last night Scott and I played a cheeky wee 2600pt game under the ToddHammer comp (although my list was illegal after a comp change, woops!). The game was a bit mental with all the luck in my favour and I squeezed out a cheeky 20-0 win (poor Scott!). My list for the...