Night Goblin Moonclan Speed Paint Project

First post in a while. The reason for my recent radio silence is because I have been working on two armies to tight deadlines. The first of which was my Night Goblin Moonclan project. There are some fantastic painters on the blog, which are a source of inspiration to...

New Orcs and Goblins Coming

Rumors are hitting that Orcs and Goblins will get an Age of Sigmar update in a few weeks, starting up on April 23rd. That leaves quite a bit between now and then....Read more »

Chaos Repacks, Orruks/ Destruction and More.

More information on when and what the new Grand Alliance Destruction will be. Accordingly the release will start in late March and go into April. No worries though for Age of Sigmar fans, there is something coming in the meantime..... some Chaos repacks.Read more »

March Age of Sigmar- More Destruction

Next week is expected more Deathwatch Overkill in the next White Dwarf, as we have already seen the leaked 40k rules for the Genestealer Cults. However, the week after, its all up for grabs, as we don't know if 40k will be up next, of if the Age of Sigmar will...

Rumors: New Releases in March

Orcs and Goblins are next up in the Destruction Alliance book for the Age of Sigmar. There is a lot of concern about Ogres, but until we hear something, Im not considering them going anywhere. For now though, we are being told that we will get new kits in March. I am...