INQ28: More Grimdark Librarians of the 41st Millennium

Hey everyone, after last week’s “blast from the past” diversion of repainting an old Star Wars action figure, let’s return to my Ordo Scriptorum retinue once again for this week. Allow me to share the latest completed inquisitorial operatives...

INQ28: Grimdark Librarians of the 41st Millennium

Hey everyone, time for another update: Now the popularity of last week’s Chaos Armiger conversion hasn’t escaped me — in fact, I already have the next post for this series planned out. However, forgive me if I keep jumping between projects a bit...

The State of the Hunt, Week 18/2018: Bad Bank

A bit of a an “in-between” post for this week, as I have both a finished model and a rather elaborate conversion to share with you. Once again, both of these have been taken straight out of the Velsen Sector, the little slice of the INQ28 setting...

INQ28: The Office – grimdark edition

So there I was, carefully warning you all that I might have to dial back my output a bit, and yet I have two new models to share with you today — strange, isn’t it? The truth is that finishing my Ordo Scriptorum Inquisitor really led to yet another surge...