Tau about that?

Deploying in cover.Taking a break from painting a sea of green (more on that in a future post) I found myself scrambling an army together and marched over to HobbyTown-USA in Johnson-City where Da Masta Cheef and I decided to give his girlfriend's newly...

The rise of Waaagh Bink!

When billboards attack! The title says it all, but I'm sure it raises lots of questions as well! My old pal, the wild Bink, has quite a huge collection of Orks. Most of them are circa the late '90s and represent a good mix of 2nd and 3rd edition era models. He...

Ultramarine Flashback army fights on

 1500 points of old school marines! War returns to Johnson City! And it returns at the shinny new location set up by Hobbytown specifically for gaming! Hats off to Bob and Mary for making this happen and supporting local public play. I showed up not thinking I...

Ultramarine flashback army goes to war

Following up from the excitement of finding the old Ultramarines last week, I decided to brave the elements and risk a game last night. The enemy that the light of the Emperor exposed to us for cleansing was Screech's Thousand Sons. This is my 1st time facing the...

Ultra Flashback

Now we go back in time! Jay's Ultramarine army! Fully assembled and still ready to kick ass!While at my folk's house today gathering some old scenery (of which you can see some in the background of this pic), I stumbled across my brother's old Ultramarine army....