Ork Warboss Showcase #2

Ork Warboss Showcase #2

Nick speaking,Here is the second Warboss I built and painted for my good buddy Aussie Ork. I call this one 'Nid Boss', as he has a dead Gaunt in his claw that he has just flamed. I really had fun painting these minis, and it was great to be able to free hand some...
Ork Warboss Showcase #1

Ork Warboss Showcase #1

Nick speaking,Here is the first Warboss I built and painted for my good buddy Aussie Ork. I call this one 'Eldar Boss', as he has a dead Guardian in his claw and an Eldar head on his poll. I really had fun painting these minis, and it was great to get some weathering...
Painting the Warboss (part 2)

Painting the Warboss (part 2)

Nick speaking,Continuing on with the Ork Warbosses, and I have pretty much completed the Orks themselves. Just got the bases, the dead Nid and dead Eldar bitz to go and then I am all done. Considering these are my first ever Orks, I am happy with them, especially the...
Painting the Warboss (part 1)

Painting the Warboss (part 1)

Nick speaking,Here are a few progress pictures of the two Ork Warboss conversions I am painting up for my good buddy Aussie Ork. First I laid down the base coats and then washed the different sections with the appropriate washes......I then went to work on the metal...
Ork Warboss Conversion #2

Ork Warboss Conversion #2

Nick speaking,Right, onto the second conversion for my good buddy Aussie Ork, and this time I am working with a dead Nid. The Guant had a missing leg, so I did some green stuff work and added a bone and a flame to the flamer to try and make it look like he has just...