A Fistful of Kung Fu Review – Wargame from Osprey Games

Much like Bushido and Dark Age, I’ve been looking at Osprey Publishing’s A Fistful of Kung Fu for ages. Whilst checking out the Infinity casual play night out at Kayjay’s Games and Hobbies Café, I took the chance to lighten their stock of...

Masters Of The Pit – Frostgrave’s Joe McCullough

I originally conducted this interview with Frostgrave mastermind Joseph McCullough last year. We’d planned to release a a print copy fanzine to accompany the Dungeonpunx podcast. For one reason or another progress on that project slowed from a tectonic crawl to...

Rogue Stars Character Cards

Rogue Stars from Osprey Wargames is a very new ruleset. As such, it's lacking a lot of material that would make it more gamer-friendly...including a Quick Reference Card for the game modifiers and Character Cards.In lieu of a set of pre-made Character Cards, I made my...

Rogue Stars…First Project of 2017

For the first project of 2017, I've decided to build some models for a ruleset I picked up over the holidays: Rogue Stars from Osprey.Rogue Stars is a Sci-Fi skirmish game based around 3 to 6 figures that uses a mission/location/complication generator to create...

Cultists Slip Into the Workflow

These 10 guys have been sitting on my painting table, and my game table, for several months now. I just needed to finish off a few details in order to clear them for good. And that happened today.These are the multi-part, hard plastic figures from the Frostgrave...