The Empire: Halberdiers Detachment

The Empire: Halberdiers Detachment

Some time ago I bought some models up on Tradera (Swedish eBay) and among some quite nicely painted Halberdiers that was also really nicely converted using only Greatswords bodies and legs. All of them also have a unique head so no head is the same in this unit and I...
The Empire: Ten Handgunners finished

The Empire: Ten Handgunners finished

Another unit for my Ostermark Empire army is finished, ten Handgunners. I got these a while ago painted up quite nicely but in the wrong colour scheme. So I re painted them and 'upgraded' some of the parts I wasn't as happy with. And here's the result, I'm especially...
The Empire: Five Handgunners finished

The Empire: Five Handgunners finished

I bought these from the Interwebz fully put together and painted, but not in "my" Ostermark colours though and I also needed to tidy up the paint work here and there. So I did that, and it took more time than I had thought because you always see new things that can be...
Miniature Mon(Tues)day ‘WoC and Empire’

Miniature Mon(Tues)day ‘WoC and Empire’

Yea didn't make it yesterday so once again we get a miniature Tuesday instead, but that is okey as content is the same anyway. So what have I been doing hobby related the past week? Well painting mostly but not as much as I would have liked. I really want to finish up...
The Empire: Halfling Hot Pot finished!

The Empire: Halfling Hot Pot finished!

The Halfling hot pot is done! Sadly you can't have them in games anymore, well not since 5th ed anyway. Well I will incorporate some Halflings into this army anyway and even GW which still sells this model is suggesting to use this as an Helstorm Rocket Launcher...