The Empire: Ten more Flagellants

Why I paint ten more Flagellants you ask? Well.... certainly not because they are any good in the game now but I quite like the models and a big unit of them looks really nice. My unit needed some reinforcements and some touch ups though so I got around and painted up...

Empire: Archer unit w/ skirmish movement tray finished

Much much work to paint up these measly 70 Pts, not just that you have to paint all the archers. If you want a nice movement tray you have do a special one that works with the skirmish rule, which I had to do of course (not that hard actually). So now they are finally...

Showcase: Empire Steamtank

I repainted this one a couple of months ago and took better quality photos of it. I forgot to post the photos here though and of course I want to show the pride of the Empire, the Steamtank!

Empire: Grey Wizard finished!

Iv'e had trouble lately to actually finish my models, and this miniature has been on the to do list for quite some time now. So it feels even more great when I finally announce that it is now finished. As you cans see it is Gandalf....... ehm I mean a Grey Wizard, so...