Blog Babble – Interested in photography stuff?

Long time no see (again). But as usual I am drowning in work. My travel to Romania didn't help either and the loss of all my prepared post made it even worse. But hey, in Germany we have a saying "Unkraut vergeht nicht" ("A cat has nine lives"?). So Yes I am still...

Farming "wife points"

Perhaps you can remember my post about using a laptop cushion as mobile working station for preparing my minis? If not, I gladly provide you a dip into the past with a link back to the review.As I get slowly back into the flow of doing hobby stuff again, the cushion...


Today only a short promotional post :) On the first November weekend (All Hallows), the Tabletop Network does held a charity weekend: The ReRoll Weekend. The rules are pretty simple:In every game you play at this weekend, you can buy rerolls. Every reroll...

Blogger changes – Cookies!

© dreamstime.comMaybe you wondered why now a strange message box in the head of many blogs appears: That is because of some recent changes in blogger's cookie policies. In the EU there are some legal restriction for dealing with cookies and at some point you as user...
Alan Wolfson exhibits in Lyon

Alan Wolfson exhibits in Lyon

© Alan WolfsonIf you happen to be near Lyon between the 16th of October and 15th of February you should think of visiting the Musée Cinéma et Miniature in Lyon (France) because Alan Wolfson exhibits some of his urban sculptures there.You may ask now: Who the...