When pictures start moving

The horse in motion - First "movie" everToday a special package arrived and I feel myself like one of the pioneers of the early days when they started with zoetropes and the first moving pictures showed up in the early 19th century. And oh boy I am excited!I got...


Felt monsters are conquering my table.. .HELP ME! Nah just kidding. They are tooooo cute to be really dangerous or even a thread :)Felt monsters attack!If you wonder why the hell I am showing these... My wife got a crush on those and started making them herself. Two...

Back from a deep slumber

Heidiho dear readers, after a veeeery long time I'm back again. Hope you all enjoyed a happy Easter and had some merry days with your family.Sunset on the desert road near HurghadaI'm also back from my (too short) vacation in Egypt. Although short, it helped...

Hammer of Math

Hi guys, I recently made a small program that'll make mathammer a little easier.It can be accessed Here.Happy hunting!

When air seems like water

Something completely different today! As you may know one of my other hobbies is scuba diving. A very good friend of mine is a pretty good diver and also does some more technical diving (wreck diving and this stuff) and asked me if I'm not interested in doing some ice...