I received a "Liebster"-Award!

Woho great thing for me, I really did receive a "Liebster"-Award. Thanks to Mr. Lee from Mr. Lee's Painting Emporium for passing me this little golden man with his big golden trophy :)Liebster AwardBut what is this all about you may think now?As far as...

Color Scheme Designer

Hello dear readers,since I don't have as much time for the hobby as suspected (again), I will try to deliver some useful tips and tricks or tools I have found (again again).Color Scheme Designer 3This time I will talk about the Color Scheme Designer, a small online...

New Job = Less Gaming….

Wow this site has been dead. It has been on the back burner for me for good reason though. I recently started a new career as a 911 Dispatcher and there is alot to learn. Two weeks ago I made an awesome trip up to Minneapolis to game with some old buddies. It...