Iron Warriors Legion Terminators

I managed this about a week ago but was not in time for the Legio Throwdown. Did a few conversions on them using SM Terminators, coupled with my old metal CSM Terminators bits, Warriors of Chaos heads and the ever important green stuff. Enjoy the pics below. For my IW...

Sons of Perturabo

So many updates these past 5 months I don't even know where to begin. For now I will post with what I've done so far and work backwards from there on. Well, I've started a new project and the post title is self evident; Iron Warriors Legion!I'm always fascinated with...

Test Model: Iron Warriors CSM

Got sidetracked a bit and completed a test model of my upcoming 2012/13 project; Iron Warriors. Rumor has it there will be a new CSM codex after the release of the 6th Edition. Click this link for the said rumors. Although is a long way till the rumored release date,...