Agents of the Inquisition 11 – the Devos IV delegation

 This is a form of love letter to Neverness.  In a manly, wholesome, Chapter Approved sort of way.  You may be aware that he has recently done a month of gently encouraging other bloggers to make and paint an inquisitor.  There are some really good...

The full parade

Flufftastically, what you are looking at here is the command detachment of 902 Div (XVII Korps) including an armoured squadron and mechanised company of DKK 19 Armd Regt, a company from 262 Line Regt, An armoured squadron from 22 ASL, a company from the Valhallan...

17 Korps Recce Assets

17 Korps protects itself by deploying elements from its constituent formation’s recce units in a screen; pickets when stationary and outriders when moving.   Not all of each recce unit is used like this; SOPs are to detach sub units on a rotating...

Missing Stuff

So, Marshall Argos has asked about the org and det of 72AG; whether we are talking about my collection or the Devos IV fluff is by the by; my collection being a small slice of some of the units present.Anyway, yes: 72 AG has three Corps, XVII Korps, XVIII Corps and...

Over stretch

72AGs overarching plan was based on continued resistance by the PLA (the PDF and all other separatist forces) as a homogenous unit.  This is what 4* General Zukhov would have done[1]and despite the best efforts of his staff, is therefore what 72AG’s plan was...