Orks: Too Many, Or Never Enough?

Orks: Too Many, Or Never Enough?

Is it possible to have too many Orks or are there never enough? I recently painted another twenty shoota-boyz for my Ork army. This takes the model count for the army well past two-hundred and I still have more to do. So now I'm wondering if it's possible to have too...
The BlingBlade- Supreme Fortress of Arrogance

The BlingBlade- Supreme Fortress of Arrogance

Welcome to a very special Army of One, where I display great looking painted models from reader submissions! Interested in showing off your work on Spikey Bits, and seeing your name in lights? We want those pics! If you click on the Army of...
I Wanna Go Fast- Ork Warbikes + Dakka

I Wanna Go Fast- Ork Warbikes + Dakka

I recently painted a full twelve model mob of Ork Warbikes for my already massive Ork army. Ork Bike Mobs add lots of speed and firepower to da boyz. Waaagh! The first time I painted Orks for 40K was back when they were labeled "Space Orks" on some of their packaging,...
Painting White- Riptide (Gangnam) Style

Painting White- Riptide (Gangnam) Style

Hey guys, Rage of Khorne here for a tutorial on one way you can paint white quickly and easily and to help me out is one of the new Tau Riptides. Lets get started. The Riptide I have chosen to use is modified a bit and for anyone who has built the model you can...
Miniature Showcase- Belial Master of the Deathwing

Miniature Showcase- Belial Master of the Deathwing

Hey guys! Brovatar from Den of Imagination here, and I have a bit of a treat for you all today. Long hidden form public view Belial of the Deathwing. It is my own slightly modified version of this years Belial model. I don't the conversion work and the paintjob was...