Reinforcements, Dropping In

Yeah, yeah, whatever.  It’s my blog and I can use bad puns if I want to, thank you very much. Anyway, here are a whopping 6 more Screaming Eagles to finish off the first squad. I actually finished them I think last Thursday, but I was away all weekend do...

More Screaming Eagles and Choosing Basing Style

A few more Screaming Eagles painted up, waiting for basing. I worked on these three at the same time over the course of a few nights, finishing up half a week ago  (as usual, this post is being posted a few days after it was first written).  Making it difficult was...

Yuri The Axe – Complete

The other day I received a bunch of Warmachine models from a friend, one of many new purchases that I’ll be talking about soon.  After finishing up (minus bases) the last of my Ogre infantry I decided it was time for a quick break before getting back to them. ...

Screaming Eagle – Test Model Complete

So I’ve got a serious backlog of posting going on, between the rest of our Ogre-Daemon batrep, things I’ve been painting, and new toys I’ve gotten. I’ll start with this one, being the most recent. Last night I found myself with some extra free...

Warriors of Chaos Army

So I've finished painting a Warriors of Chaos army on commission. Only the one character but a lovely big army. I know I haven't posted much for a while but I have been busy. Follow me on twitter to see what I've been doing @elfordminis I'll also post my newest work...