by DimmyK | Sep 2, 2013
Started paintwork on my bases and they are actually coming out pretty good. The one on the right is finished, and I was actually worried that it was too colourful, but when I put a venom on it I think it actually looks very nice! Apologies for the first blurry...
by DimmyK | Aug 24, 2013
Quick update to show what I've been working on. Two more venoms in the works and the advisors I was going to enter into a painting competition but don't think I have time now and cba to finish them to be honest. Played a game against guard with my marines, gave my...
by DimmyK | Aug 4, 2013
Not very good photos but just to give a general idea. I think I've got the green how I want it for the most apart (although I was aiming for a more turquoise colour originally). Also my freehand is improving with the drawings on the venoms being a lot better than my...
by DimmyK | Jul 3, 2013
Just a quick update to how where I've got to. Not sure about marbo's missile, but I want it to stand out without being too bright or introducing too many new colours... So in sort of semi happy with it so far. Still got to do skin and faces, imperial eagles and the...
by DimmyK | Jul 1, 2013
In preparation for the tournament next weekend which will also be ETC style, but has full wysiwyg regulations as well as full paint, I've been adding some new guardsmen that ill also be painting over the week.Basically it's 2 vanilla sergeants, 9 regular guardsmen, a...