Painting Howling Banshees Showcase

Nick speaking,That's the Banshees all done, and it's probably fair to say this will be the last unit I paint this year. I am going to put all my efforts in to building my Emperor's Children army so that I can start painting it in 2018.

Painting Howling Banshees #3

Nick speaking,Right, that's the bone colour done. I was pretty fiddly and took many thin coats, but I think the end result looks great! First I built up the plates using Ushabti Bone, leaving the Earthshade in the recesses. Then I went in and edge highlighted the...

Painting Howling Banshees #2

Nick speaking,As always I am having a lot of fun painting my Eldar. These girls are great sculpts and have more detail that you may think. So far I have finished the hair and have been laying down the black detailing. There is more black to come, but after washing the...

Painting Howling Banshees #1

Nick speaking,So after painting that big tray of Necrons I thought I would delve into my Eldar case to see what still needs painting and look what I found! I have had these girls unpainted for far too long so let's give them some love, and some paint! Of course, the...