M2E Rasputina Painting Guide – Part 1 – The Icy Bits

M2E Rasputina Painting Guide – Part 1 – The Icy Bits

I had several requests about the colours and techniques used on my better halves Rasputina crew so I got her to list them for me in some kind of logical order.1) First they were base coated black and then given a lighter base coat of white which left some of the black...
Ultramarine Terminators Finished and Tutorial

Ultramarine Terminators Finished and Tutorial

Got these guys finished pretty quickly.  Its nice to have small squads instead of huge 30 man boyz mobs... things go so much quicker and are much less tedious.  Now that I've done a bunch of Ultramarine things they are painting up faster as well, so that helps as...
Buzzgob Finished and Tutorial

Buzzgob Finished and Tutorial

Here's that forgeworld mek boss that I have been working on.  I've posted the tutorial video and still images below.  Its been a while since I've done any 40k orks, so this was a nice change from all the space marines and other stuff I've been working...
Ultramarines Scouts and Landspeeder Storm Finished

Ultramarines Scouts and Landspeeder Storm Finished

Here's those Scouts and their transport, the Landspeeder Storm.  As mentioned in the video (below), I've really liked the landspeeder storm ever since it came out, and now that I'm starting an Ultramarines army this was one of the fist models I wanted to...

How to make a Mycetic Spore

Those clever buggers over at Warp Forged Miniatures have done a brilliant tutorial on how to make your own Mycetic Spore, so thought I’d share. And a taster for something awesome that they’re working on in the background. But mum’s the word on that...