Necrons for the Win! Showcase

Nick speaking,I know I usually take pretty pictures of my finished models, but this time I have a little showcase video for you. There was a lot of models to photograph and this just seemed a lot easier. Anyway, I had a lot of fun painting these NECRONS!!

Necrons for the Win! Judgement Day!

Nick speaking,So judgement day is nearly here! All I have left to do are the bases on this set of Necrons. I have had a lot of fun painting these and have tried to make them fit in with my 'old school' looking army as best as I can. I painted the Lychguard to match in...

Necrons for the Win! Painting White!

Nick speaking,Ok so continuing on with painting my tray of Necrons and now I have completed the white and have started on the extra detailing, still plenty to do, but really getting there now...

Necrons for the Win! Painting Necron Orbs!

Nick speaking,So painting continues on my 'Tray' of Necrons. Really happy with the progress I have made, especially the glazing of the orbs! More to come soon as there is still a lot of work to do...

Necrons for the Win! Uzi 9mm Guns Painted

Nick speaking,Just a quick progress update to show you the work I have done on the thirty Necron Warrior guns. It took me about fifteen hours in total and I am happy with the results. Now to do my favourite part of detailing them...