Living Tomb Formation – Showcase

Nick speaking,Here we go, I have finally finished painting up my Living Tomb Formation. The Obelisk is totally magnetised to be a Tesseract Vault, so I have painted all the extras as well, including the Transcendent C'tan. Very happy to have these finished and I can't...

Living Tomb Formation – C’tan and Base Started

Nick speaking,I know the Transcendent C'tan isn't actually part of the formation, but as my Obelisk is magnetised into the Vault, I want to paint the C'tan up at the same time, plus I think I am probably going to feature him in my Living Tomb list somehow anyway! It...

Living Tomb Formation – Nearly Done

Nick speaking,So after finishing the green in the last post, I went back to the metal work and lined in all the recesses with a black wash. Some of the bigger areas were just painted black, along with the Monolith guns. The guns are highlighted, but it is quite...

Living Tomb Formation – Green Painted

Nick speaking,That's the green done on the Necron Living Tomb Formation models, and yes, that includes all four hundred and ninety two Scarab eyes on the inside on the Vault! Next up, I need to go back to the metal work and fill in the recesses with black...

Living Tomb Formation – Painting the Metalwork

Nick speaking,Just a quick update on my progress of painting the Necron Living Tomb Formation models. I have completed the metalwork now, going in with a large soft brush and dry brushing one coat of Iron Breaker and one coat of Lead Belcher. I know there are some...