Living Tomb Formation – Monolith Repaint

Nick speaking,So yeah, in the end I decided I would repaint my old Monolith, I painted it a long time ago and not to a great standard. usually it wouldn't bother me, but as I am painting another Monolith for my Living Tomb Formation, I want the three tanks to all look...

Next Painting Project: Necron Living Tomb Formation!

Nick speaking,Finally, the Long Fangs are done and it is time to get my Living Tomb Formation up and running, not the best formation in the world, but hell, it looks like a lot of fun!I already have one Monolith painted from way back, but to be honest, it isn't a very...

My Las Vegas Open Game – Necron Destroyers Ready!

Nick speaking,Following on from my previous post about my good buddy Aceface and his journey to the Las Vegas Open this year. Here are the new minis I needed to paint for our practice game. I will go over my list in the next post, but for now, here are my...

Necron Deathmarks Showcase

Nick speaking,Finished painting my green rod Deathmark conversions. Really happy how they look, I think they will match in with the rest of my 'old skool' looking army very nicely indeed. 

LaserCutCard Necron Hills Showcase

Nick speaking,Here are my Laser Cut Card Cyborg Hills that I reviewed a few posts ago, all painted up. As you can see from the pictures below, the possibilities for these hills are great for your battlefield, with lots of ways to place them on the table. I have also...