I did it!!!

I actually did it!!I reached positive painting figures!For the first time since I started tracking it in late 2017, I've painted more models than I've bought!I got thinking after my last post. With how quickly my Savage Orcs paint up using Contrast, surely I could get...

Back and ready for Heresy

I've been absent from the online hobby sphere for a few weeks. Unfortunately real life has been kicking my arse a bit. I've had to unexpectedly find somewhere new to live, killing my hobby mojo.Luckily that's been resolved just in time for me to go back to getting...

Pinging off Points

Between messing about with my Orks and a personal project I'm doing for a friend, I've had a distinct lack of finished models to show off in the past couple of weeks. Not only is that bad news for my backlog, it's also terrible news for my motivation to attack said...

The New Year – More Cypra Incident and More 19th Dicers

Happy New Year folks and welcome to 2018!Morning All,Hope you have all enjoyed the lords of reaping blog event we had for December I suspect more posts may pop out of the paintwork on that front as code members cannot always make it in December with family...