Imperial Knight Showcase

Imperial Knight Showcase

Evening All,Doc here with the promised showcase of my Imperial Knight Freeblade.  I don't have WIP shots for this model as it was completed in secret so I could surprise Red Mist in a recent battle.  So many of my recent posts have talked about sponge...
I need to stop buying models – Painting Points

I need to stop buying models – Painting Points

Hi All,Doc here with another dose of were I'm at....  So a couple of the guys and me went to forgeworld open day and I spent a decent wod of cash as you do!  However before I went after discussions with the boss (wife) I voluntarily decided to introduce a...
230:  Tau paint scheme

230: Tau paint scheme

I've managed to snatch the odd half-hour here and there recently, and as well as finishing building my Riptide, I also sat down last night and painted up two Tau Firewarriors to test out my colour scheme.  I'll go through it step by step here so that its always...

208: Squad 5 complete at last

Much more of a record keeping post today, just a picture of the finally finished squad 5, the 3rd 5-man squad completed for One Force.  These guys took part in the defence of Hive Okess as reported last week, dropping in towards the end of the battle to draw off...

201: Throne of Skulls

This weekend I'm off to Throne of Skulls at Warhammer World.  This'll be my first Games Workshop run tournament, so it'll be a new experience if nothing else.  I've read all the hype and hate that goes along with this but I'm going to try and keep as open a...