Malifaux M2E – Rasputina

Malifaux M2E – Rasputina

My better half has always been a fan of Rasputina so as soon as I got hold of her new starter box I knew that the chances of me being allowed to keep it for myself were none existent...unless I fancied sleeping in the shed and cooking all my own...
Crew a Week Challenge – Tara’s ‘Herald of Obliteration’

Crew a Week Challenge – Tara’s ‘Herald of Obliteration’

This weeks crew is that of 'Nightmare' Tara. I was at a loss as to colour scheme for the Nothing Beast and Void Wretches as the 'pastel' blue colour scheme appeared to be done quite a lot already. I therefore started with a darker blue (at my better half's suggestion)...
Crew a Week Challenge – Lucius’s ‘Elite Division’

Crew a Week Challenge – Lucius’s ‘Elite Division’

I set myself a fairly steep challenge this week what with the model count being quite high (especially for a skirmish game) at fifteen models but I'm happy to say that I have managed another one on time. Allow me to most humbly present Lucius, the Governors Secretary...
Crew a Week Challenge…It’s Back…

Crew a Week Challenge…It’s Back…

A combination of real life and none Malifaux projects meant that I had to put the 'Crew a Week Challenge' on hold for a bit. I was hoping to re-start the challenges with something from the new M2E model range but my Gencon pre-release items have yet to arrive and I'm...