by Warpaintguy | Dec 30, 2013
I had set myself a deadline. “Get all the infantry models from the Bolt Action British starter army done before the new year”. I Started a month ago and I finished with a day to spare. WOW RESULT! I don't like batch painting so I'm glad I can enjoy the...
by Warpaintguy | Nov 21, 2013
After pumping out the 40K Grey Knight Army I was ready for something new and fresh. I have always been interested in WWII History and this summer I picked up the rules for a relative new WW2 skirmish game called Bolt Action by Warlord games. I really like the rules...
by WPS Seb | Mar 27, 2013
Ork KommandosSome time ago I finished these Ork Kommandos but I never got round to post them on my blog. I painted them in Desert camo and some yellow bits to tie them into my Bad Moons army.They are not the most reliable unit in the Ork range but they certainly...