by John Lambshead | May 20, 2021
I wanted to paint this Slaaneshi daemon steed in bright pastel colours, turquoise and pink. I wanted to use contrast paints for a quick, decent looking job on a model surface well suited with scales, hair and ribs. Unfortunately, contrast paints don't exist in these...
by John Lambshead | Jul 16, 2018
I recently acquired some Tamiya Clear acrylic paints and was well impressed so, as I have Malign Sorcery bits and pieces to paint, I decided to put Tamiya head to head with Citadel.First off, I sprayed the pieces Humbrol Metallic Silver as both an under coat and a...
by John Lambshead | May 18, 2018
This months issue of Miniature Wargames has free figures from the Wild West Exodus game, now owned by Weyland Games.I don't know much about the game but it seems to be steampunk using 30 mm (?) plastic models. These two retail for £17 the pair.The models do not...
by John Lambshead | Aug 17, 2016
Painting up a 'Daemon Aircraft' for my Bolt Action SS Ahnenerbe Detachment.This is the base undercoat.You first undercoat black, and then spray Humbrol multi-effect over the top in thin layers. I used amethyst.It's a bit dificult to see on static pictures, but the...
by John Lambshead | Sep 27, 2015
Warlord Games Dark Tone varnishes are a superb way of churning out acceptable painted models quickly.The above photo shows six models painted identically in fast, bland colours - no shading, highlights or layering. But two of them have been treated with Dark Tone: can...