Hellhammer – WiP 06

Hellhammer – WiP 06

I'm still working on the Hellhammer's battle damages.Both side turrets are done, as are all the protection plates.As I was asked for, here's a close up on the micro-shipping :I begin with Dryad Bark. This will be the base damage , you can leave big spots. It is the...
Deathwing command squad

Deathwing command squad

Last squad for my 3k Dark Angels apocaypse army: Belial's command squad.Belial and its command squad.This squad is the final step in a long time project, started in semtember 2013. All the bitz I needed to create this squad took me years to get.Bases come from...
Preparing an apocalypse army (WiP)

Preparing an apocalypse army (WiP)

Let's make an assessment of my Apocalypse Dark Angels army project.I had the idea to assemble this army while I came back from the Med Tour 2013. After such a 40k Apocalyspe orgy, the motivation is high and it my head's full of army projects. Reality comes soon enough...
Doom Angels : the tutorial

Doom Angels : the tutorial

Oftlenly, readers and players ask me to explain how I painted my Doom Angels. This tutorial will show the colors used to create the Doom Angels chapter, and the order they're applied.Step #1After applying a black undercoat, I paint the armor parts...

Dark Angels Nephilim (bis)

  The Nephilim was finished in february but didn't have any base.  This is what deadline are for : to give you enough motivation to finish the job !  This urban base, even not as impressive than the one I created for the Stormtalon, gives me ideas for...