How To Paint Black Space Marines Armour Plates

This month – as I painted a lot of Ravenwing miniatures and will move on to painting Raven Guard Space Marines next week (!) – I decided to share my recipe for painting the black armour plates on a Ravenwing Land Speeder! Of course, this works for any...
How to Paint Luna Wolves

How to Paint Luna Wolves

I was recently asked to make a tutorial about painting the white armour for the Luna Wolves Space Marine Legion from the Horus Heresy. This tutorial shows my way of painting them. Light colours, especially white and yellow can be tricky to paint and for me I like to...

How To Paint Gold Armour with Citadel Metallic Paints

Gold is a surprisingly common colour for Warhammer Fantasy and Warhammer 40K. Not all miniatures are completely in gold, like the Blood Angels Sanguinary Guard but, but there are small gold-sections on a lot of miniature. In this tutorial I present a short guide to...

Painting Lizardmen Priest Feathers In Six Easy Steps

The new plastic Lizardmen Skink Priest for Warhammer Fantasy is one of the most popular minis for painters at the moment. At the 2013 UK Games Day, the Golden, Silver and Bronze Demon for Warhammer Fantasy Single Miniature were all (!) won by Lizardmen Skink Priest...

How to make a Mycetic Spore

Those clever buggers over at Warp Forged Miniatures have done a brilliant tutorial on how to make your own Mycetic Spore, so thought I’d share. And a taster for something awesome that they’re working on in the background. But mum’s the word on that...