by Neil of Orange | Oct 17, 2015
Its nice when your hobby can do some good, so I was pleased to see on Tables of a Tabletop Skirmisher their Little Heroes for Little Heroes event. In their own words then; "So, What is Little Heroes? For this fundraiser we are asking for people to paint up some Hero...
by Dice & Brush | Aug 1, 2015
Stormcast Eternals is fun to paint, and quite easy as well as you don't need 100 different paints. You paint them up much similar to how you paint Space Marines, focus on the main color of the armor and then paint up the rest of the stuff.So here's my tutorial on how...
by Neil of Orange | Jul 28, 2015
Its been a while since I blogged rather than just posted some pics so hello again MyWargame, here's some hobby Neil of Orange style. I've been working on a Kings of War Forces of Nature on and off for a little while now and really enjoyed the challenge of hunting down...
by Avicenna | Jul 26, 2015
Who are Painting Buddha? and why do they need US? For the first question I am going to shamelessly pinch Michael Bartels’ own description of Painting Buddha and what they are trying to achieve: “It is fair to say that Painting Buddha is different from...
by Rusty Dice | Jun 8, 2015
I recently made the decision to rebase my entire Iron hands army from 25mm to 32mm round bases. Simply put, it looks so much better and it is the new standard, officially or not. I did a quick proof of concept on an old base for the style before making the move....