Underworlds Eyes of the Nine

Another warband painted up for Warhammer Underworlds.  These guys were a combination of contrast paints and standard methods to get a decent outcome in a reasonable amount of time.  One of the challenges with this warband is that there's such a diversity in...

Ironskull’s Boyz tutorial and pics

I just finished up the Ironskull's boyz for Warhammer Underworlds.  This warband painted up nice and fast since they have a fairly simple paint scheme.  The yellow is a little tricky to keep bright and clean, but I think it turned out ok.  You don't want it...

Godsworn Hunt in Jem theme, tutorial and pics

 Here's my attempt at doing the Godsworn hunt in a Jem and the Holograms theme.  I think I got inspiration from some themed warband on Facebook.  Anyway, I basically used the below pic as a colour guide.  I didn't do anything too crazy with painting...

Assassin posts

Here's some direct links to the assassin tutorials I did when I painted up the Assassinorum boxed game.  With the new rules coming up in the March White Dwarf I thought I'd make these easier to find.Vindicare Assassin TutorialEversor Assassin TutorialCulexus...