Forgeworld Mega Dread Finished

Forgeworld Mega Dread Finished

Here's that Ork Mega Dread that I've been working on.  I wasn't sure how the weathering would go, but in the end it was pretty simple, and I think it turned out quite well.  I basically painted him up quickly and jabbed 4 different weathering powders onto...
Ultramarines Commander Finished and Tutorial

Ultramarines Commander Finished and Tutorial

Another addition to my growing Ultramarines force, this time the commander from the Assault on Black Reach box.  With the cape on this guy he painted up quite fast.  I was also pretty happy with how the banner turned out.  I've seen so many of these guys unpainted...
Ultramarines Scouts and Landspeeder Storm Finished

Ultramarines Scouts and Landspeeder Storm Finished

Here's those Scouts and their transport, the Landspeeder Storm.  As mentioned in the video (below), I've really liked the landspeeder storm ever since it came out, and now that I'm starting an Ultramarines army this was one of the fist models I wanted to...
How to Paint Uthwe Craftworld Eldar

How to Paint Uthwe Craftworld Eldar

Here's a quick tutorial on how to paint up Uthwe Eldar.  Back in the day (2nd edition) I had an Uthwe Eldar army.  I sold them on ebay when I got back into 40k a few years back.  That was back in the metal bodies, plastic arms days... yikes, those...
Skycutter Finished

Skycutter Finished

Here we go with a tutorial and a bunch of finished pics.  I'm glad to have this guy done as its been on my desk all summer.  I kind of wish I did the wings pointing up because this thing doesn't fit into my display case very well with the rest of my High...