The State of the Hunt — Week 39

And so, here’s another post dealing with ongoing projects. With the second issue of the new White Dwarf just having arrived on my doorstep earlier today and with the recent release of Genestealer Cults as a dedicated faction, it’ll sure be time to take a...

Lord of the XII Legion – A Triptych, pt. 5

And so, after a short interlude, we are actually back to Angron: Today I actually intend to deliver on the “Triptych” part of this mini-series, as I show you my completed conversion of Angron in full-on gladiator mode, based on one of the plastic...

The State of the Hunt — Week 37

Hey everyone, I think I’ll be turning “State of the Hunt” into a semi-regular feature to show you smaller stuff I am currently working on and to discuss various subjects that maybe wouldn’t warrant a post of their own but are still important to...

Lord of the XII Legion – A Triptych, pt. 4

Another look at Angron this week, as we finally put the big red daemon-monster on its own base. Don’t worry, it won’t be nearly as boring as you might think “But wait! Wasn’t this supposed to be a triptych? Then why are we already on part four...

Lord of the XII Legion – A Triptych, pt. 3

Welcome to part three of this mini-series about my various interpretations of the XII Legion Primarch! Today, we’ll finally get some paint on my conversion of Angron in his Daemon-Primarch form! Before we begin, let me just point out that – interestingly...